Genre: Action, Thriller, Crime Directed by Justin Lin Cast: Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, John Cena, Charlize Theron Story: Dominic Toretto leads a peaceful life off the grid with Letty and his son, little Brian, but they know danger always lurks beyond their peaceful horizons. This time, that threat forces Dom to face the...Read More
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Information Windows 10 is a series of operating systems for personal computers produced by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. It is a successor to Windows and was released for production on July 15, 2015 and for resale on July 29, 2015. Windows 10 is constantly receiving new versions that...Read More
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Dopo gli orribili attacchi al World Trade Center al Pentagono nel 2001, il Congresso ha nominato il principale avvocato mediatore Kenneth Feinberg (Michael Keaton) alla guida del Fondo per le vittime dell’11 settembre. Con le risorse finanziarie per le vittime della tragedia, Feinberg la sua responsabile operativa, Camilla Biros (Amy Ryan), affrontano l’impossibile compito di...Read More
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