Which is kinda true, I’m way too young for that

Then, I would tell my teenage self, nobody opinion truly matters but your own so stop worrying so much about what others think. Don be afraid to try new things. Especially, things that might scare you. Don be afraid to fail. Stop worrying so much about finding Mr Right. He out there you can totally relax and have fun.

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But the black rhinoceros is in far more trouble; fewer than 5,000 African black rhinos remain in the wild. There were 70,000 at the start of the 1960s before a wave of hunting and poaching dramatically lowered their numbers. An international crackdown stopped poaching for a while, but it resumed several years ago when black market prices for rhino horn in China and Vietnam, where it is valued as ornaments and traditional medicine, reached $45,000 per pound..

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