Vivien, a talented student with a passion for physics, and Roy, a troubled young man, are involved in an accident that forces them to take back their lives one minute at a time. An accident will force Vivien and Royan to stop and resume their lives, one minute at a time, and finally start living...Read More
Devoted family man Ray Cooper (Jason Momoa) promises justice against a pharmaceutical company responsible for withdrawing a life-saving drug before his wife (Adria Archona) dies of cancer. But when his search for the truth leads to a fatal encounter that disrupts Ray and his daughter Rachel (Isabella Merced), Reyes’s mission turns into revenge to destroy...Read More
A close look at the rise, fall and redemption of evangelist Tammy Faye Bakker. In the 1970s and 1980s, Tammy Faye and her husband Jim Bakker rose from humble beginnings to create the world’s largest religious broadcasting network and theme park, and were respected for their messages of love, acceptance and prosperity. Tammi Faie...Read More
A close look at the rise, fall and redemption of evangelist Tammy Faye Bakker. In the 1970s and 1980s, Tammy Faye and her husband Jim Bakker rose from humble beginnings to create the world’s largest religious broadcasting network and theme park, and were respected for their messages of love, acceptance and prosperity. Tammi Faie...Read More
VISIVIG Web Builder is a bookmarking web design program. The word VISIVIG in this application says it all – What? -See-Do you get-what does it mean that everything you see becomes what you get. In fact, users of this software without knowledge of encryption and various web technologies can place the desired objects and objects,...Read More